This is Ginger. She is the reigning Herd Queen of our herd of two dairy goats!! Ginger is a four-month old Saanen from Burkittsville, MD. I've always wanted a Saanen simply because they look to me like the ideal dairy goat. They are just simply a beautiful goat. She is from a great line of milkers - and I'm curious to see if she performs as her breeder says she will. Ginger is a big girl - Saanens are a large breed - and one of her favorite things to do is eat!! Ginger loves her grain, and gets giddy when she happens upon honeysuckle, sumac, or dandelions. She's a bit bossy and can seem like a loner to most people; but with me, she never can be brushed enough, and has a great capacity to love it seems when she just wants to sit with her face pressed to mine. I feel like that's her way of hugging me - I love that!
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