John put up an extention of hog panel to the end of the field fencing; now it extends pretty much into the creek. This spot was a favorite place for Clover, and sometimes Ginger, to get out of their field and into the lush hillside for a special snack. The addition of the hog-panel has resolved this fencing issue.
However, the very next day, a new fence issue came into existence:

This is completely our fault... we got the fencing up, and instead of finishing the job, we figured: "That'll do... for now". I was even just telling a fellow-blogger how our goats never get out of the field fencing by going over. Later that same day - Ginger got out of the field fencing by going over.
To take care of this probelm we need to put up additional posts and then tighten the fence. Then it would probably help further to trim all the vegetation that grows along that fence that the goats are constantly reaching over and through the fence for. So, this is our newest goat project. When that's complete - I am sure that the fence will be absolutely goat proof! -Famous Last Words
Ginger being gently returned to her rightful place with the other goats. Hi Asa.
aha! I am not the only one with goats dowsed in the "greener on the other side" attitude. LOL Love the pics of them utilizing the fence as a step ladder. I really started laughing hard since it looked just like dear old Buddy in one of his escapades. I feel for you. I really do. It is just nice to not be alone in the group of having infamous escapee goats.I was told goats will not go in the water. Do yours venture into your creek at all or is it used for drinking?
*LOL* Brings back some not-so-fond memories. We had one escapee who would find or make a new hole time and again. Needless to say the neighbors were very aggravated with their disappearing gardens...
HSB bethsbrightside
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