Friday, November 03, 2006

and in this corner...

Ginger is off for breeding next week (do I keep saying that?), so I figured that she should have a goat pedicure so she can look good for her buck. Last time I used my goat tape to check her weight she was about 110 lbs. She’s got to weigh more now – or at least it seems that way. I knew it would be a struggle – she’s never enjoyed having her hooves trimmed; but man, she really fought me hard today. I don’t have a milking stand – yet. I guess I could have tried to tether her to the fence, but that has never seemed to help in the least. I figured if she wouldn’t cooperate, then I’d just get her on the ground and lay on her with my body while I trimmed away. Hardy-har-har. Yeah, right! Getting her feet from under her was the fairly easy part. Keeping her down was impossible. Then we’ve got Juniper and Tulip kissing me and nuzzling me while I’m trying to get near a hoof. By the time I’d get laid out on Ginger, the shears were about three feet out of my reach. None of the goats would hand them to me no matter how nicely I pleaded with them. It was scary having these extremely sharp shears open and then having kicking, struggling, and pushing all over the place. I noticed on one of her hooves she had that elf shoe going on; that must be the last hoof that I never make it to because I give up before I get to it. It just gets too dangerous. Someone is going to end up needing stitches. I’ll just have to wait for the old man to get home and we’ll use teamwork to take the girl down and clean her up right once and for all!


Granddad said...

John's not an old man! He's my son!


The Unusual Farmchick said...

Your cheese looks so delicate in the "jelly jars". I know what you mean about the struggle for hoof trimming. Chia hates to have it done. I mad a milk stand for this very reason. It took less then a day doing it by myself and sugar mountain has plans for the milk stand on their site. If your handy with a hammer or just familiar, you could whip one together to use for the hoof trimming and later get a nice one for the milking. Just a suggestion.
Have fun at your goat wrestling party :D...