Saturday, November 11, 2006

Motel Room No. 1

If the shack's a rockin' - don't come a' knockin!

You can see Ginger through the slats of the fence. She's begging me to come let her out of there. At first she didn't care about the strange goat in the pen with her, but then when he started following her around - rudely and relentlessly sniffing at her, she immediately had a problem with the whole situation.

This is Wind. He is Ginger's chosen buck. She's bigger than him, but Scott, the breeder, assured me that Wind wouldn't let that inhibit him in any way. I will get a call after the deed is done. We are so excited that Ginger will soon be pregnant. We look forward to some new kids and the new milk supply. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

The Unusual Farmchick said...

Oh he is handsome.I love the brow/head top hair on bucks. It looks like they slicked it back from brow up to ear. Do you see what I am speaking of? Hard to point out with words. Buddy had one too and it reminded me of those 50's guys who greased their hair back and were the bad boys the girls in movies always adored. Nice love shack title..LoL.
XXXcrossing fngersXXX for a succesful coupling and birth!