Monday, October 03, 2005


We have made a decision regarding the "pasture". We have contacted a neighbor who has his own backhoe. Another neighbor recommended him - saying he did good work at a good price. This man will clear out the whole area on one side of the stream. So he will get rid of the huge brush and near-trees and use a brushhog in areas that are not so savage. Just having made this decision feels really great, like we are making progress.
No movement on the barn. There is lots to be done there. There is exposed fiberglass insulation on one wall that must be removed or enclosed, and just seeing the piles of lumber that need to be moved to another room makes me get the vapors. I don't mind the work; I just have a bum wrist (intersection syndrome) that can only handle brief periods of heavy lifting. I can see it taking weeks to complete. Now we just have to decide where to move the wood to.

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