Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Guest Milkers - you could be one too!

One of the things we love most when friends come over is to take them down to let them milk our dairy goat, Ginger. I don't think anyone has ever refused the offer to give milking a try. Ginger is a great sport about it all; as long as she has grain in her dish, she's cool with just about anything.
Here we have Asa's good friend from school. She enjoyed the experience very much.

Here is cousin Nick. A natural. He got a good stream going pretty quickly.

On the left is cousin Jo; somehow we had four people milking the 'ol gal at one time.

Aunt Tammy - also a natural.
Asa takes his turn on Ginger's left, while Tammy works on the right.

Then next day, Ginger was very tender from all the different hands practicing on her. She did a lot of jig dancing and fussing at me when I went to milk her. She's just about back to her tough self again.

1 comment:

Granddad said...

It's great to see my family taking part in such a wholesom activity! I see also that Asa's hair is starting to grow back in!

Love to you all, Granddad