I came home from Wehrly's Auction today with three Rhode Island Red hens and one bantam Leghorn rooster. Ten Dollars. Total impulse purchase. I've wanted chickens for a long time. We don't have a coop yet, which is why I hadn't purchased them before now. But I told myself that we would close them up at night in the mill until John is able to build a proper coop. I realize that this was probably not the best decision I could have made, but I hope it'll work out.
I love the sounds they make and I think that they are so beautiful. I was told that the hens lay about 3 eggs a day each and the rooster cannot fertilize the eggs, although he believes that he is doing his job around the henhouse - and still goes through all the motions.
Luckily, John has agreed to build a coop this weekend. It feels more like a farm around here. I like that.

Yay! Chickens! I love having mine. They seem to add that farm feel no matter where you may live. I could spend all morning watching them scratch and peck at the ground. So plain but enjoyable to watch.
Enjoy your new additions.
Grammy & I had a great visit on the mill/farm on Sept 23/24. We liked the addition of the chickens and rooster, even though he started crowing at 4:30am! Also the new goats are very cute.
Sorry our visit kept John from building the chicken pen!
---- Granddad
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