Our riding mower has lost a belt, so it's not available for cutting the field. Most people believe that goats will keep a pasture (or yard) trimmed; but that is not the case. Goats pick and choose their favorite plants and take a few bites of it, then they move on looking for something else interesting. We definitely have to keep the pasture mowed or it would be impassable for goats and people! I had to use the non-riding mower to make a swath through the dense, lush rainforest. The area around the yellow metal loveseat is covered in poison ivy; it's like a thick carpet. I mowed that - and am hoping that I don't get any rashes! As soon as I was finished mowing, I practically ran inside for a shower, where I SCRUBBED with lots of soap on my washcloth. We'll see how that works.

Tulip and Juniper

Mmmm. Weeds!
What breed are your goats? I too have "dairy goats" but they are s mix of swiss & nubian- mostly nubian. I am so happy I found your blog. Your goats always make me smile. sighs.. I love dairy goats
p.s Dont laugh, but I scrub with comet that has bleach in it on my legs & arms when they have had contact with poison ivy. I currently have a small spot on my wrist that I must have missed when I scrubbed. sounds harsh, but I found it works for me.
Tammie: Wow! I never thought that someone outside of my immediate family ever looked at this blog. I am so pleased that you found it and enjoy it! I hope that you keep wanting to return to read more! I have one Saanen (Ginger), one Toggenburg (Clover), and two Nubians (Tulip and Juniper). I read your blog too. My husband and I read it together and sympathized with your straying goat situation. It must not be easy having goats in what sounds like a residential neighborhood! I am hoping for you to finally get your farm too. It was one of the happiest times of my life to get my farm in the country. It'll happen for you too. Good luck and keep writing about your goat living. I love reading it! -Jeanne
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