Our riding mower has lost a belt, so it's not available for cutting the field. Most people believe that goats will keep a pasture (or yard) trimmed; but that is not the case. Goats pick and choose their favorite plants and take a few bites of it, then they move on looking for something else interesting. We definitely have to keep the pasture mowed or it would be impassable for goats and people! I had to use the non-riding mower to make a swath through the dense, lush rainforest. The area around the yellow metal loveseat is covered in poison ivy; it's like a thick carpet. I mowed that - and am hoping that I don't get any rashes! As soon as I was finished mowing, I practically ran inside for a shower, where I SCRUBBED with lots of soap on my washcloth. We'll see how that works.

Tulip and Juniper

Mmmm. Weeds!