Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Gruners come a-milkin'

Emma - Jake's best friend - gives it a shot.

Asa - the old pro! Check that finger placement and strong milk stream!

Ann, Emma's mom, also gave milking a try. I am showing her the finger placement that I use.

Ann loves a quart or two of Ginger's milk once in a while. She puts it in her coffee and makes bread with it. Ann is the Wonder Woman who taught me how to make bread. Actually, she let me make it with her and gave me the confidence to finally try it again, on my own, after a 15-year hiatus. My very first loaf of bread back in about '91 was a squat little brick-of-a-loaf. I decided that I needed to meet someone who would walk me through breadmaking. It was really hard learning from a book... finally after all of these years, Ann comes along and happily shows me the ropes. She makes it look so easy.

Another great thing about Ann is that she sews too! That's another thing that I've been wanting to learn alongside someone who actually knows how (as opposed to reading how out of a book). She's happy to teach me that too! I'll let you know how that goes.

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