Sunday, May 14, 2006

Good First Night

Today I noticed that the little girls are having soft, yellowish poops. Yesterday, I never saw them poop, so I don't know if that's what they were doing before at their other home. Up until last evening, they've been drinking goat milk. Now they are drinking cow's milk - and that probably has caused some stomach upset. I have been adding some Probios to their milk to help out their digestive tracts as they adjust to the new milk. I have put some alfalfa pellets and Timothy /orchard grass hay in their pen - which they are eating. Juniper and Tulip have had frequent visits from the neighbor kids and adults. They had a good first night in their dog house and outdoor open pen, and this morning were hungry and ready to drink their first of three bottles of milk for the day. They seem to be adjusting nicely to their new home here in the Valley.

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