Friday, August 12, 2005

Goat Barn

This is one picture of the inside of the "goat barn". As you can see, there are lots of cinder blocks, and there's also tons of wood. I was able to work on it for about 20 minutes this morning with Asa. Then Asa touched this orangeish-red slug, and it stained his finger a bright orange, so we had to end our clean-up to go rinse off his finger (in case the slug had some toxic defense mechanism that he got on Asa). Then he told me that he didn't want to do clean-up anymore. So he went inside the house with Jake, and I began weeding the yard where ivy is growing on the house. I was able to work on that for about ten minutes before I heard the boys screaming at each other. I had to go break it up - which was relatively easy. We ate a bit of breakfast - canteloupe and waffles. We cleaned up the kitchen, played with Sadie the cat, and now the boys are watching some t.v. while I get a bit of blog time. Today I hope to make it by the spring to refill our water bottles. I'd also like to take the boys to the library, then to the pool. It's supposed to get to 90 degrees today - and it's already crazy-hot here in the house.

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