Now that the whole family has returned home after being away, we all happy to return to our regular routine. Asa waters the plants as John and Jake go to take care of the goats.
It's afternoon milking time. You may notice that the right side of Ginger's udder is larger than the left. Naturally, we get more milk out of that teat. Right now we are getting about 12 to 13 lbs. of milk a day from Ginger. That comes out to more that 1.5 gallons a day. We unfortunately end up dumping out most of that milk that we get. I occasionally make cheese, and we use some for cereal and to add to John's coffee. But we still get way more than we need. I just gave a 2-quart jar to a friend of ours who is lactose intolerant, and she was interested in trying it out in her coffee to see if she liked it, and if her body could handle it. She loved it and is ready for more already. I really would love to find a family or two who would be interested in using the milk. I don't like throwing it out... it's such a waste.