We had a survey done of the property since we plan to put up fencing soon. We figured that it would be a good idea to know exactly where the property lines were. When we were looking at the land before we bought it, the seller said that he wasn't exactly sure where the lines were, but showed us the general perameters. Good thing that we had a survey done, because we would have put a fence on our neighbor's land! Sadly, we lost a lot of what was thought of as ours. So it's closer to two acres of land instead of three. I won't be able to do as much pasturing of the goats as I had thought. I am hoping that eventually we could rent some land from a neighbor next to us. I haven't met these people yet, but right behind us they have acres and acres that they do nothing with. They keep it mowed and the fences trimmed. It would be really convenient to use after putting up a temporary fence. The current fencing wouldn't keep in goats!
We are waiting for our backhoeing neighbor to come and clear half of the pasture. That is tentative for this Saturday. Then we will be ready to fence that in. Progress!!